The Podcast

Podcast: Episode 9
Tiffany Smiley, Accepting Opportunity For Yourself

If you’ve been around the More Than Me group for any amount of time you’ve heard the word “opportunity” thrown around. What is opportunity? Where does it come from? Do you make it for yourself? Do other people make it for you?

Join founder Tiffany Smiley this week as we unpack what opportunity is to her and in her life. Why she wants you to accept opportunity for yourself and BONUS, what opportunity is starting to unfold for More Than Me.

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 Host Becky Herrington is the co-host of Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus Podcast, Biola Graduate and lover of all things Jesus. She’s the founder of Becky Herrington Marketing and also Podcast Recipe, helping podcasters launch and level-up their podcasts. Follow her on Instagram @BeckyJHerrington