Angela Zatopek

Angela Zatopek

THE STORIES  Angela Zatopek Angela Zatopek Fuel Your Life With the Right Friends What do you think of when you hear the word ‘community’? What visuals pop into your mind? Some may think of community as a location or specific place, but I want to address the kind of...
Being Audacious Like Children

Being Audacious Like Children

THE STORIES  Becky Herrington Becky Herrington Being Audacious Like Children I was having a conversation with a dear friend of mine recently. She had said something audacious in front of a group of women. They had been sitting around, challenging one another to say...
Erin Hultgrenn

Erin Hultgrenn

THE STORIES  Erin Hultgrenn Erin Hultgrenn The Art of a “To Do” List Raising children, running a household, maintaining a career, and keeping up with outside commitments can make us all feel like we are drowning some days, can’t it? Take me, for instance —...
Erin Hultgrenn

Erin Hultgrenn

THE STORIES  Erin Hultgrenn Erin Hultgrenn Leveraging Technology I know technology gets a bad rap a lot of the time. Don’t get me wrong, technology can be a HUGE time suck — and a major hindrance to effective time management. Spending hours on Pinterest doesn’t help...
Becky Herrington

Becky Herrington

THE STORIES The Way Jesus’s Light Changes Us Becky Herrington The Way Jesus’s Light Changes Us Most Christians know the story of the bleeding woman who touched Jesus’s robe and was healed. Like me, you probably filed it away into the “miracle category” of your Bible...